About the Book

It’s a father's last road trip with his daughter to college...and only a few hours to say everything that matters. He tells stories from his past, stories filled with love, wisdom, and humor. But above all, filled with the truth he hopes will prepare her for her lifetime journey.
During the trip the two discuss
​​Choosing Friends
​​​Living a Good Life
Minding Your Mind
Getting Along With People
Making Life Easier
​​​Staying Healthy and Happy
Getting Things Done
Sustaining a Marriage and Family
He shares the good and the bad, what he learned and what he has yet to learn, what worked and what didn’t.
The author invites you to share the journey - to ponder how life works, and how to make it work for you. It is about finding and telling the Good Story.
With humor, originality and unexpected insight the author offers practical wisdom that not only rings true, but also delights.
About the Author

David Molina
David Molina practiced dentistry for 40 years. He retired in 2020 and went back to work - this time as a writer and author. He collected pearls of wisdom for years. In July of 2021 David published his first book - The Story You Tell.
He chose a true story - the day he drove his daughter to college.
The book became a heartfelt and very personal expression of his love for his daughter. At the same time, the book is a rich source of insight about the stories we tell and how those stories shape who we are.
David, an avid bicyclist, is currently working on a book How to Bike and Not Die, and has several others in development: Don’t Retire: Rewire, and Unlearn To Dance. He enjoys filmmaking, photography, soccer, world music, latin dance, and loves teaching and playing with his three grandchildren.